• Attendee
    Mohamed ABDELBAR Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Jamil ABDO Frostburg State University United States
    Fadlallah ABOUHADID Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Jean-Christophe ABRY Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Zahia ACHOUI INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Vito ACITO Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Michael ADLER AC2T research GmbH Austria
    Frank AELVOET Vanderbilt Worldwide Ltd United Kingdom
    Tudor-Mihai AGAPE-COMSA LAMCOS France
    Mohamad Ali AHMAD Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia
    Waleed AHMED ABDALGLIL MUSTAFA Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Amakoe Komlanvi AHYEE INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Tatsuhiko AIZAWA Surface Engineering Design Laboratory, SIT Japan
    Ahsan ALI University of Leeds Germany
    Andreas ALMQVIST Luleå University of Technology Sweden
    Salete ALVES Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil
    Lassad AMAMI CETIM France
    Tobias AMANN Fraunhofer IWM Germany
    Auezhan AMANOV Sun Moon University Korea (Republic of)
    Ezio AMERIO Nouryon Netherlands
    Georges AMINE INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Pedro AMOROSO Tu Delft Netherlands
    Michael ANDERSON Falex Corporation United States
    Yasuhisa ANDO Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan
    Federico ANDREATTA Grundfos Holding A/S Denmark
    Samir AOUADI University of North Texas United States
    Ayako AOYAGI NOK Corporation Japan
    Andrea ARCIFA Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology Switzerland
    Suhaib ARDAH Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Roland ARDAI Axel Christiernsson International AB Sweden
    Mihai ARGHIR Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346, Université de Poitiers, ISAE ENSMA France
    Tamouafo Fome ARMAND Institut für Maschinen Konstruktion und Tribologie, Leibniz Universität Hannover Germany
    Josh ARMITAGE University of Leeds United Kingdom
    Quentin ARNOUX TotalEnergies OneTech France
    Muhammad Shahid ARSHAD Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo Slovenia
    Keiji ASADA Ecole Centrale de Lyon / Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. France
    Gülçin Sefiye ASKIN Hacettepe University Turkey
    Alexandre AURY SKF Aerospace France France
    Celine AUTHIER Valeo Transmisisons France
    Mariem AYEM University of Franche-Comté France
    Antoine AYMARD Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Akihiko AZETSU Tokai University Japan
    Norbert BADER Leibniz University Hannover Institute of Machine Design and Tribology (IMKT) Germany
    David BADLER Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Israel
    Mirjam BAESE Magna Powertrain GmbH & Co KG Austria
    Lucas BAHIN Laboratory of Textile Physics and Mechanics / University of Haute Alsace France
    Marie-Christine BAIETTO INSA Lyon France
    Richard BAKER Tribotonic Ltd United Kingdom
    Vasilios BAKOLAS Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG Germany
    Pap BALINT Safran Transmission Systems France
    Lucy BAND TriboTonic United Kingdom
    Xavier BANQUY Universite de Montreal Canada
    Cedric BARAZZUTTI Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Marion BARBIER GGB France
    Franck BARDIN TotalEnergies France
    Salomé BASSET Ecole Centrale de Lyon (LTDS) - EDF R&D France
    Ajit BASTOLA Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Niklas BAUER RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems (ifas) Germany
    Gerhard BAUMANN Optimol Instrumtns Prüftechnik GmbH Germany
    Elsa BAYART Laboratoire de Physique ENS Lyon France
    Soha BAYDOUN Centrale Innovation France
    Rob BEADLING University of Leeds United Kingdom
    Scott BEAMISH University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    David BEARD South African Institute for Tribology South Africa
    Jerome BEAUMALE Bruker Nano Surface Metrology France
    Paul BEGUIN MinesParistech France
    Michel BELIN LTDS France
    Driss BEN MOUHAMED TotalEnergies OneTech France
    Layth BEN TRAD INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Stephane BENAYOUN Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Marjorie BENEGRA UTFPR Brazil
    Marina BENMANSOUR Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Roland BENNEWITZ Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien GmbH Germany
    Alexandre BERGHEAU Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Mara BERNABEI University of Central Lancashire United Kingdom
    Anael BERNIER Alpine Racing France
    Guillaume BERTHOUT Anton Paar France
    Martin BEST INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Susanne BEYER-FAISS Dr. Tillwich GmbH Werner Stehr Germany
    Jagjeevan BHAMRA Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Bharat BHUSHAN The Ohio State University United States
    Lucas BIAZON CAVALCANTI University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Deborah BIGGIO Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Universita di Cagliari, 09042 Cagliari, Italy. Italy
    Cristiano BINDER Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Brazil
    Guillaume BIONDI TOTALENERIES France
    Scott BOBBITT Sandia National Laboratories United States
    Musuvathi BOBJI Indian Institute of Science India
    Alexander BODEWIG Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Maschinenkonstruktion und Tribologie (IMKT) Germany
    Romuald BOISSIN SAMARO France
    Bastien BOLLE Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Benyebka BOU-SAÏD LaMCoS INSA de Lyon France
    Alizée BOUCHOT LaMCoS - INSA Lyon France
    David BOUDREAU Vanderbilt Chemicals LLC United States
    Kaouthar BOUGUERRA University of Tours France
    Nadine BOULENGIER INGEVITY United States
    Stephane BOURDAIS IMRA EUROPE S.A.S. France
    Laura BOUSQUET Kyodo Yushi France
    Phoebe BRAMLEY University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Helen BRANNON Unilever United Kingdom
    Esteban BROITMAN SKF Netherlands
    Noel BRUNETIERE Institut Pprime, CNRS, University of Poitiers, Ensma France
    Henry BRUNSKILL Peak to Peak Measurement Solutions Ltd. United Kingdom
    Vincent BRUYERE SIMTEC France
    Michael BRYANT University of Leeds United Kingdom
    Marie-Ange BUENO Laboratory of Textile Physics and Mechanics / University of Haute Alsace France
    Anna BULING ELB Eloxalwerk Ludwigsburg GmbH Germany
    Melinda BULLARO Bruker United States
    Véronique BULLIER Airbus Opérations France
    Dilek BULUT Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Institute für Maschinenkonstruktion und Tribologie Germany
    David BURGESS University of Birmingham United Kingdom
    Philippe BUSSETTA Manufacture Française des Pneumatiques Michelin France
    Francesc CABESTANY AMES Spain
    Andrei CALIN Politehnica University Bucharest Romania
    Brunero CAPPELLA Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing Germany
    Robert W. CARPICK University of Pennsylvania United States
    Odile CARRIER ArcelorMittal Maizières Research France
    Nathalie CASAS INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Gilles CASTAN GGB France
    Mathilde CATHERIN Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Juliette CAYER-BARRIOZ LTDS CNRS UMR5513 Ecole centrale de Lyon France
    Tugce CAYKARA University of Birmingham United Kingdom
    Marco CEGLIE Politecnico di Bari Italy
    Veronique CEREZO Université Gustave Eiffel - campus de Lyon France
    Thibaut CHAISE Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, CNRS, LaMCoS France
    Michael CHANDROSS Sandia National Laboratories United States
    Kim CHANG-LAE Chosun University Korea (Republic of)
    Yasmine CHARFEDDINE Laboratoire de tribologie et dynamique des systèmes France
    Elisabeth CHARLAIX Université Grenoble Alpes France
    Yann CHATENET Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Sathwik CHATRA SKF B. V. Netherlands
    Prasanna CHATURACHARIMATH Mobis Parts Europe N.V. – Zweigniederlassung Deutschland Germany
    Sulin CHEN Shanghai Jiao Tong University China
    Yan-Ming CHEN CETIM France
    Eddy CHEVALLIER Institut de Thermique, Mécanique, Matériaux (ITheMM - EA7548) France
    Radek CHMIELOWSKI IMRA Europe SAS France
    Byeonglyul CHOI Korea University Korea (Republic of)
    Christelle CHRETIEN SOLVAY United States
    Lola CIAPA SIMM Laboratory - ESPCI Paris France
    Traian CICONE University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Romania
    Pavel CIPEK Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Czechia
    Simone CIPRARI INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Ben CLARKE The University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Manuel COBIAN Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Jeremy COCHAIN Schlumberger United Kingdom
    Vincent COLANTUONI Koehler Instrument Company, Inc. United States
    Guillaume COLAS University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté France
    Federico COLOMBO Politecnico di Torino Italy
    Nicolas COMPERE Manutech USD France
    Jean COMTET ESPCI / CNRS France
    Pierre-Henri CORNUAULT University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté France
    Henara COSTA Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Brazil
    Cédric COURBON EC Lyon/ENISE France
    Rowena CROCKETT Empa Switzerland
    Graham CROSS Trinity College Dublin Ireland
    Sarah CROSSLAND University of Leeds United Kingdom
    Giuseppe CUNSOLO agilent technologies Italy
    Emilien CURTET RATP France
    Qingwen DAI Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China; 2. Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany China
    Kévin DAIGNE INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Davy DALMAS Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes - CNRS France
    Matthew DANIELS University of Central Lancashire United Kingdom
    Lionel DARUL INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Fabrice DASSENOY Ecole Centrale de Lyon France
    Edouard DAVIN Centrale Lille France
    Cristiano DE ABREU Porto Superior Eng. Institute (ISEP) Portugal
    Maria-Isabel DE BARROS Ecole Centrale de Lyon France
    Michel DE BILDE Falex Tribology Belgium
    Florian DE CADIER DE VEAUCE INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Jose Daniel DE MELLO Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Brazil
    Sophie DE OLIVEIRA INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Matthijn DE ROOIJ University of Twente Netherlands
    Mariana DE SOUZA Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Astrid DE WIJN Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
    Silvia Maria DEAMBROSIS CNR-ICMATE Italy
    Maxence DECOTE INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Sylvain DELATTRE University of Lille France
    Karl DELBÉ Laboratoire Génie de Production (LGP), Université de Toulouse France
    Miguel Angel DELGADO CANTO Universidad de Huelva Spain
    Maciej DELIS Air Force Institute of Technology Poland
    Christopher DELLACORTE University of Akron United States
    Matteo DELLI COLLI INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Mathilde DELORY Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Emilie DELPLANQUE Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Frank DELRIO Sandia National Laboratories United States
    Karim DEMMOU Safran France
    Sven DERON TotalEnergies France
    Sylvie DESCARTES INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Yannick DESPLANQUES Centrale Lille France
    Nayan DHAKAL Luleå University of Technology Sweden
    Martin DIENWIEBEL Karlsruhe Institute of Technology / Fraunhofer IWM Germany
    Daniele DINI Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Adarsh DIVAKARAN Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India
    Christophe DONNET Université de Lyon - LABEX MANUTECH-SISE France
    Antoine DOP Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon - CNRS France
    Dirk DREES Falex Tribology Belgium
    Carlos DRUMMOND Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP), CNRS France
    Jerzy DRYZEK Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS Poland
    Junxiao DU Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography Netherlands
    Frederic DUBREUIL Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Mihaela DUBUISSON Anton Paar Tri Tec Switzerland
    Johnny DUFILS IREIS/HEF group France
    Philippe DUFRENOY University of Lille - LaMcube France
    Michael DUGGER Sandia National Laboratories United States
    Alison DUNN University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign United States
    Busra DURAN INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Simon DUSTON University of Leeds United Kingdom
    David DUVAL Anton Paar France
    Rob DWYER-JOYCE University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Andrzej DZIERWA Rzeszow University of Technology Poland
    Mateusz DZIUBEK Wroclaw University of Science and Technology ­ Poland
    Nicole DÖRR AC2T research GmbH Austria
    Stefan J EDER TU Wien | Institute for Engineering Design and Product Development Austria
    Pascal EHRET Michelin France
    Hakim EL BAHI TotalEnergies OneTech France
    Mostafa EL LAITHY University of Southampton United Kingdom
    Mohamed EL MANSORI MSMP Labortoty/ Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology France
    Mohamed Tarek ELEWA Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
    Nicolas ELIE PPRIME Institute France
    Piras ELIO NYCO France
    Nazanin EMAMI Luleå University of Technology Sweden
    Maximilian ENGELFRIED Universität Stuttgart / Pfaffenwalring 9 Germany
    Alexandre EPALLE Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Ali ERDEMIR Texas A&M University United States
    Sevim ERHAN USDA/ARS/ERRC United States
    Cayetano ESPEJO University of Leeds United Kingdom
    Rosa ESPINOSA-MARZAL University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States
    Frederic ESPINOUX TotalEnergies ONE TECH France
    Cécile ETIENNE UJM - Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School France
    Ryan EVANS The Timken Company United States
    James EWEN Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Stefan FABBRO ETH Zürich Switzerland
    Achim FAISS Dr. Tillwich GmbH Werner Stehr Germany
    Michel FAJFROWSKI bruker France
    Joachim FALLER Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM Germany
    Nathan FANTECELLE STREY University Federal do Espírito Santo Brazil
    Kasra FARAIN University of Amsterdam Netherlands
    Felix FARRENKOPF Gear Research Center (FZG), Technical University of Munich Germany
    Pauline FAURA Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Yohann FAURE Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon France
    Gregory FAVARO Rtec-Instruments SA Switzerland
    Livia FELICETTI INSA Lyon - LaMCoS Italy
    Patricia FERNÁNDEZ LÓPEZ Tekniker Spain
    Oliver FEUCHTMÜLLER University of Stuttgart, Institute of Machine Components Germany
    Carlos FIGUEROA UCS Brazil
    Tobin FILLETER University of Toronto Canada
    Michel FILLON Université de Poitiers France
    Nicolas FILLOT INSA Lyon France
    Jay FINEBERG The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel
    Alfons FISCHER Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung Germany
    Christopher Devik FJELDSTAD Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
    Mike FLUTE Ingevity United Kingdom
    Alessandro FOLLO Agilent Technologies Italia SpA Italy
    Morinoye FOLORUNSO The University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Jan FOLTYN Brno University of Technology Czechia
    Julien FONTAINE LTDS - Ecole Centrale de Lyon - CNRS France
    Julien FORTES DA CRUZ Laboratoire Quartz, ISAE-SUPMÉCA France
    Charlotte FOSSIER NTN France
    Lucas FOUREL INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Siegfried FOUVRY Ecole Centrale de Lyon, LTDS France
    Mark FOWELL Volvo Group Sweden
    Lucas FRACHE Cisten France
    Steve FRANKLIN Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography Netherlands
    Chloé FRANOUX LEM3 université de Lorraine France
    Marcella FRAUSCHER AC2T research GmbH Austria
    Lucas FRÉROT IMTEK - Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Germany
    Vincent FRIDRICI Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Koji FUJIMOTO Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo Japan
    Thomas FURSTNER University of Technology Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Machine Elements, Design and Manufacturing Germany
    Carsten GACHOT TU Wien Austria
    Nikolay GARABEDIAN Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
    Moisés GARCIA-MORALES Universidad de Huelva Spain
    Mayank GARG Shiv Nadar University India
    Felix GATTI Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM Germany
    Christian GAUTHIER Universoté de Strasbourg, CNRS, Institut Charles Sadron France
    Haitao GE INSA / ICUBE France
    Eliane GENDREAU Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Benoit GENNARO EDEN Instruments France
    Dana GERLES Mineralölwerk Osnabrück GmbH Germany
    Melisa GIANETTI University of Milan Italy
    David GILLESPIE Croda Europe Ltd. United Kingdom
    Joaquim GIRARDELLO DETONI Agilent Technologies Italy
    Konstantinos GKAGKAS Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA Belgium
    Sergei GLAVATSKIH KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
    Tobias GMÜR ETH Zürich Switzerland
    Aurore GOIGOUX LamCoS / MateIS / NTN Europe France
    Roman GOLTSBERG Technion Israel
    José GOMES University of Minho Portugal
    Marjolaine GONON-CAUX INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Lucile GONTARD Becton & Dickinson France
    Stanislav GORB Department Functional Morphology and Biomechanics, Zoological Institute of the University of Kiel Germany
    Minoru GOTO National Institute of Technology, Ube College Japan
    Wieslaw GRABON Rzeszow University of Technology Poland
    Helge GRANN Grundfos Holding A/S Denmark
    William GRAY University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Markus GREBE Competence Center for Tribology, UAS Mannheim Germany
    Florian GRÜN Montanuniversität Leoben Austria
    Philipp GRÜTZMACHER Vienna University of Technology Austria
    Yue GUAN Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Youcef GUETTECHE TotalEnergies France
    Samy GUIDOUM INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Aurélie GUILLARME Labex Manutech-Sise France
    Gaylord GUILLONNEAU Ecole Centrale de Lyon-LTDS France
    Avi GUPTA Indian Institute of Technology Delhi India
    Robert GUTIERREZ Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Wassim HABCHI Lebanese American University Lebanon
    Deepak HALENAHALLY VEEREGOWDA Ducom Instruments Netherlands
    Hédi HAMDI ECL Campus of Saint-Etienne France
    Gisele HAMMES Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Brazil
    Sangil HAN Université de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon - ENISE France
    Xiaoyu HAN University of Birmingham United Kingdom
    Jonny HANSEN Scania CV AB Sweden
    Erik HANSEN Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Germany
    Atsuta HARADA Graduate school of Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Jens HARDELL Luleå University of Technology Sweden
    Martin HARTL Brno University of Technology Czechia
    Alan HASE Saitama Institute of Technology Japan
    Naoya HATANO Kyoto University Japan
    Christian HAUG Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Applied Materials (IAM) Germany
    Stefanie HAUPT TU Bergakademie Freiberg Germany
    Andreas HAUSBERGER Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH Austria
    Peyman HAVAEJ Ghent University - Soete Laboratory Belgium
    Laura HAVIEZ Safran France
    Sifeng HE Delft University of Technology Netherlands
    Sascha HEIDEN ADEKA Europe GmbH Germany
    Seojun HEO Gyeongsang National University Korea (Republic of)
    Ken'ichi HIRATSUKA Chiba Institute of Technology Japan
    Tomoko HIRAYAMA Kyoto University Japan
    Kakudo HIROMITSU Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan
    Oded HOD Tel Aviv University Israel
    Matija HOIC University of Zagreb Croatia
    Hannes HOLEY Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
    Kenneth HOLMBERG VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Finland
    Achill HOLZER Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems RWTH Aachen University Germany
    Sung Ho HONG Dongguk University Korea (Republic of)
    Xianghui HUANG Arts et Métiers France
    Nicolas HUGON TotalEnergies France
    Andrew HUNTER Peak to Peak Measurements Solutions Ltd United Kingdom
    Jakub HURNÍK Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Czechia
    Daniel HURTADO SALINAS Novelis Switzerland
    Andrew HUTCHINSON PCS Instruments United Kingdom
    Youn Hoo HWANG Yonsei University Korea (Republic of)
    Daniela HÜBLER Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung Germany
    Kim HYUNG-KYU Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Korea (Republic of)
    Fabian HÄRTWIG TU Dresden Germany
    Johannes HÖRMANN University of Freiburg Germany
    Mohd Danial Bin IBRAHIM Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Malaysia
    Amaya IGARTUA Fundación TEKNIKER Spain
    Anna IGUAL MUNOZ EPFL Switzerland
    Kento IHARA Tohoku University Japan
    Amandine IMPERGRE Rush University Medical Center United States
    Tadatsugu IMURA EAGLE INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Japan
    Victor INFANTE Leibniz-Institute for New Materials Germany
    Hideyuki INOUE Eagle Industry Co., Ltd. Japan
    Uzair IQBAL Indian Institute of Science India
    Daulton ISAAC WPAFB United States
    Takumi ISHIKAWA Tottori University Japan
    Taiki ITO Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Wataru IWASHITA Osaka University Japan
    Ruth JACKOWIAK DuPont Switzerland
    Kelly JACQUES University of North Texas United States
    Anand JAGOTA Lehigh University United States
    Timm JAKOBS Chair for Wind Power Drives Germany
    Petra JAN Laboratory for Tribology and Interface Nanotechnology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana Slovenia
    Young-Jun JANG Korea Institute of Materials Science Korea (Republic of)
    Sofiane JANIN Kyodo Yushi France
    Camille JEANNOT Femto-st / ADR France
    Seongsik JEONG Gyeongsang National University Korea (Republic of)
    Arn JOERGER Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Germany
    Roland JONES Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Manfred JUNGK STLE Europe Germany
    Junya KABA Kyoto university Japan
    Satish KAILAS Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru India
    Yuichiro KAJIKI Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd. Japan
    Hakan KALELI YILDIZ Technical University Turkey
    Mitjan KALIN University of Ljubljana, Faculty of mechanical engineering Slovenia
    Jaroslaw KALUZNY Poznan Universityof Technology Poland
    Malal KANE Université Gustave Eiffel France
    Won-Bin KANG Kyungpook National University Korea (Republic of)
    Nan KANG Arts et Métiers Paristech France
    Makoto KANO Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan
    Vanessa KAPPS National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology - INMETRO Brazil
    Philippe KAPSA LTDS, CNRS- Ecole Centrale de Lyon France
    Haytam KASEM azrieli college of engineering jerusalem, Israel Israel
    Egidijus KATINAS Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Czechia
    Shouhei KAWADA Kansai University Japan
    Masayuki KAWAURA Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University Japan
    Simon KELLER Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
    Josephine KELLEY Leibniz University Hannover (IMKT) Germany
    Philippe KEMPE Rtec-Instruments SA Switzerland
    Guillaume KERMOUCHE Mines Saint-Etienne France
    Zakir KHAN Daido Metal Co., Ltd, European Technical Centre, UK United Kingdom
    Damien Yiyuan KHOO Bruker Malaysia
    Hae-Jin KIM Gyeongsang National University Korea (Republic of)
    Jongkuk KIM Korea Institute of Materials Science Korea (Republic of)
    Dae-Eun KIM Yonsei University Korea (Republic of)
    Seong H. KIM Pennsylvania State University United States
    Tae-Hyeong KIM Yonsei University Korea (Republic of)
    Junyoung KIM Gyeongsang National University Korea (Republic of)
    Nora KIND German Aerospace Center Germany
    Thomas KIRKBY Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Mathew KIRSCH WPAFB United States
    Urban KLANJSCEK University of Ljubljana, Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering Slovenia
    Andreas KLEMENZ Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM Germany
    Lucas KNEISSL Technical University of Luleå Sweden
    Yuma KOBAYASHI Daido University Japan
    Oliver KOCH Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Germany
    Jens KONDRATIUK Hilti Liechtenstein
    Aymeric KONIEC Gamma Technologies GmbH Germany
    David KOSTAL Brno University of technology Czechia
    Piotr KOWALEWSKI Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Poland
    Gordon KRAUSS Harvey Mudd College Deprtment of Engineering United States
    Raimondas KREIVAITIS Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
    Petr KRIZ The Czech Mechanical Engineering Society - Tribology Section Czechia
    Jolanta KRUPA Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisawa Staszica w Krakowie Poland
    Lars KRUSE Fraunhofer IWM Germany
    Kamil KRZYWINSKI Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Poland
    Mirco KRÖLL Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) Germany
    Erik KUHN Hamburg University of Appl. Sc. Germany
    Maciej KUJAWA Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Poland
    Kohei KURACHI Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd Japan
    Kazuya KURIYAGAWA Tohoku University Japan
    Takuya KUWAHARA Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM Germany
    Laure KYRIAZIS University of Birmingham United Kingdom
    Dominik KÜRTEN Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM Germany
    Florian KÖNIG iMSE at RWTH Aachen University Germany
    Imène LAHOUIJ Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux- MINES Paris PSL Research University France
    Van-Vuong LAI Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Roshan LAL University of Birmingham United Kingdom
    Gabriel LANASPEZE INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Denis LANCON TotalEnergies One Tech France
    Francisco LANFERDINI SERAFINI Universidade de Caxias do Sul Brazil
    Mario LAVELLA Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, dell'Informazione e della Produzione (DIGIP) Italy
    Iyabo LAWAL University of Texas at Austin United States
    Heiva LE BLAY L'Oréal France
    Melody LE FALHER Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Astrid LEBEL AC2T research GmbH Austria
    Aude LECOUFFE INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Peter LEE Southwest Research Institute United States
    Quentin LEGRAND Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Alejandro LEIRO SCANIA CV AB Sweden
    Cyrian LERICHE Advanced Research Center for Nanolythography Netherlands
    Qiang LI Institute of Mechanics, Berlin University of Technology Germany
    Wenxiao LI Kyushu university, Japan Japan
    Arnaldo Oliveira LIMA Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo Brazil
    Fengchang LIN graduate school of engineering, Nagoya University Japan
    Dominic LINSLER Fraunhofer IWM Germany
    Wojciech LITWIN Gdansk University of Technology Poland
    Muyuan LIU Leibniz Universität Hannover Institut für Maschinenkonstruktion und Tribologie (IMKT) Germany
    Zhao LIU Leibniz-Institute for New Materials Germany
    Allan LIU University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Haichao LIU Institute of Machine Design and Tribology Germany
    Sophie LOEHLÉ TotalEnergies France
    Thomas LOHNER Gear Research Center (FZG), Technical University of Munich Germany
    Manuela LOPES GENNESSEAUX Université Gustave Eiffel (Campus Nantes) France
    Fernando LOPEZ URUÑUELA Tekniker Spain
    Lars LORENZ Institute of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden Germany
    Jean-Luc LOUBET LTDS UMR CNRS 5513 France
    Akshay LOYAL Safran Aircraft Engines France
    Thomas LUBRECHT INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Ton LUBRECHT INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Yezhe LYU Lund University Sweden
    Rubson MAÇÃO CAMPOREZ University Federal do Espírito Santo Brazil
    Alexander MACLAREN Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Enzo MAIER Gear Research Center (FZG), Technical University of Munich Germany
    Fida MAJDOUB ECAM La Salle France
    Stefan MAKOWSKI Fraunhofer Institut for Material and Beam Technology IWS Germany
    Lorenzo MANCINI Solvay Italy
    Filippo MANGOLINI The University of Texas at Austin United States
    Manjunath MANJUNATH Soete Laboratory – Ghent university Belgium
    Hiroki MANO National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Japan
    Max MARIAN Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
    Muthukumar MARIAPPAN Indian Institute of Science Bangalore India
    Alice MARINESCU University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Romania
    Ousseini MAROU ALZOUMA CRITT Matériaux Innovation France
    Edoardo MARQUIS University of Bologna Italy
    Jean-Michel MARTIN Ecole Centrale de Lyon France
    Diana MARTIN DE ARGENTA insa lyon France
    Laetitia MARTINIE INSA Lyon France
    Marc MASEN Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Valentin MASSARDIER INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Francesco MASSI DIMA - University of Rome La Sapienza Italy
    Davide MASSOCCHI Politecnico di Milano Italy
    Thomas MATHIA Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Sebastjan MATKOVIC Laboratory for tribology and interface nanotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slovenia
    Koji MATSUMOTO Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan
    Gaetan MAUREL MICHELIN France
    Leonhard MAYRHOFER Fraunhofer IWM Germany
    Denis MAZUYER Ecole Centrale de Lyon France
    Jan MEES University of Freiburg Germany
    Linus MEIER Blaser Swisslube Switzerland
    Robert Jan MEIJER University of Twente Netherlands
    Florian MERAY INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Marion MERKLEIN Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Germany
    Almira MESHCHERYAKOVA Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Russian Federation
    Bilel MEZIANE Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Michal MICHALEC Brno University of Technology Czechia
    Mathilde MILLOT SAFRAN SA France
    Clotilde MINFRAY Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Stefano MISCHLER EPFL Switzerland
    Masaaki MIYATAKE Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Amran MOHAMED Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Mahdi MOHAMMADPOUR Loughborough University United Kingdom
    Jean-François MOLINARI EPFL Switzerland
    Guilhem MOLLON LaMCoS - INSA Lyon France
    Antonin MONOT INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Emmanuel MONTERO INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Pierre MONTMITONNET MINES Paris - PSL* , CEMEF, CNRS UMR 7635 France
    Guillermo E. MORALES-ESPEJEL SKF Research and Technology Development Netherlands
    James MORLEY Phoenix Tribology Ltd United Kingdom
    Carina MORSTEIN Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT Germany
    Michael MOSELER Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials Germany
    Nikzad MOTAMEDI Université de Lille France
    Diaby MOUSSA ABDOUL KADER Institut National Polytechnique FHB Yamoussoukro Côte d'Ivoire
    Bogdan MUNTEANU IREIS – Institut de Recherches en Ingénierie des Surfaces France
    Motoyuki MURASHIMA Tohoku university Japan
    Seiji MURATA Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Science Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Japan
    Lewis MURRAY PCS Instruments United Kingdom
    Christian MÜLLER Leibniz Institute for New Materials Germany
    Martin MÜSER Saarland University Germany
    Nadine NAGLER AB SKF Sweden
    Ayaka NAKAJIMA Graduate school of Tokyo University of Science Japan
    So NAKAJIMA Idemitsu Kosan Co.Ltd., Japan
    Yoshitaka NAKANISHI Kumamoto University Japan
    Keiichi NARITA Idemtsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. Japan
    Emmanuel NAULT Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Matthias NÉBOUY MFP Michelin France
    David NECAS Brno University of Technology Czechia
    Daniel NÉLIAS INSA Lyon France
    Julio NEVES Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Brazil
    Alexandra NEVSKAYA DuPont Specialty Products GmbH & Co. KG Germany
    Duc Hieu NGUYEN University of Sussex United Kingdom
    Gary NICHOLAS University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Annette NIEDBALLA Bruker Germany
    Maksim NIKONOVICH Luleå University of Technology Sweden
    Toshiaki NISHI ASICS Corporation Japan
    Hiroshi NISHIKAWA Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan
    Kensuke NISHIURA Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Japan
    Antoine NORMANT Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Marcello NOTARI Eni S.p.A. Italy
    Rai NOTAY Lubrizol United Kingdom
    David NOWELL Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Masayuki OCHIAI Tokai University Japan
    Egheosa OGBOMO Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Hyunjung OH Seoul National University Korea (Republic of)
    Takao OKABE Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Michal OKAL Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Machine and Industrial Design Czechia
    Tomoaki OKANO Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. Lubricants Research Laboratory Japan
    Cristóbal OLIVER Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Milan OMASTA Brno University of Technology Czechia
    Hiroki ONOUE Graduate School of Tokai University Japan
    Peter OOSTERMAN KYodo Yushi France Sas France
    Tadashi OSHIO Eneos Corporation Japan
    Camella OUMAHI SNCF France
    Juozas PADGURSKAS Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
    Francesco PAGANO Tekniker Spain
    Ion PALAMARCIUC Daido Metal Co. Ltd. United Kingdom
    Francois PAOLONI TotalEnergies Lubrifiants France
    Christos PAPADOPOULOS National Technical University of Athens Greece
    Antonio PAPANGELO Politecnico di Bari Italy
    Steve PAPANICOLAOU Bruker United States
    Florian PAPE Leibniz Universität Hannover. Institute of Machine Design and Tribology, IMKT Germany
    Pourya PARSAEIAN Croda United Kingdom
    Lars PASTEWKA University of Freiburg Germany
    Cesar PASTOR Robert Bosch GmbH Germany
    Maciej PASZKOWSKI Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Poland
    Tristan PATRIGEON INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Debdutt PATRO Ducom Instruments Netherlands
    Jean-Lionel PATYN SAMARO France
    Gregor PATZER Optimol Instrumtns Prüftechnik GmbH Germany
    Sophie PAVAN Ecole Centrale de Lyon France
    Marina PECORA University of Strasbourg France
    Corentin PENFORNIS Université Technologique de Compiègne France
    Julie PEPIN Laboratoire de mécanique Gabriel Lamé France
    Gladys PERETTI University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Eloïse PERRIN Becton & Dickinson France
    Thomas PETERSON Falex Corporation United States
    Karine PETUYA INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    The Sang PHAM University of Leeds United Kingdom
    Gwenaelle PHILIBERT Shell United States
    David PHILIPPON LaMCoS - INSA Lyon France
    Rémi PIEGARD ISAE-Supméca France
    Giuseppe PINTAUDE UTFPR Brazil
    Angela PITENIS University of California, Santa Barbara United States
    Benjamin PLEE CONDAT France
    George PLINT Phoenix Tribology Ltd United Kingdom
    Bojan PODGORNIK Institute of Metals and Technology Slovenia
    Marko POLAJNAR University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slovenia
    Gerhard POLL Institute of Machine Design and Tribology Germany
    Kannaki PONDICHERRY Soete Laboratory, Ghent University Belgium
    Alberto PORRAS VÁZQUEZ ZF Wind Power Belgium
    Tomaz POZAR Universtity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slovenia
    Gregory PRYCE University of Leeds United Kingdom
    Carmine PUTIGNANO Polytechnic University of Bari Italy
    Jun QU Oak Ridge National Laboratory United States
    Muriel QUILLIEN ISAE-Supméca France
    Federico QUINCI AEGIR-Marine Production B.V. Netherlands
    Xavier QUOST RATP France
    Himanshu RAI IIT Delhi India
    Jonathan RAISIN TotalEnergies OneTech France
    Naveenkumar RAJENDHRAN Ghent university Belgium
    Nicholas RANDALL ALEMNIS Switzerland
    Matus RANUSA Brno University of Technology Czechia
    Lisa RATEAU Framatome - Université de Nantes France
    Selina RAUMEL Institute of Micro Production Technology - Lebniz Universität Hannover Germany
    David REBENDA Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Czechia
    Joel RECH Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Tom REDDYHOFF Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Manuel REICHELT Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM) Germany
    Thomas REICHENBACH Fraunhofer IWM Germany
    Rafal REIZER University of Rzeszow Poland
    Ke REN University Medical Center of Groningen (UMCG) Netherlands
    Gautam REVANKAR ASHOK Indian Institute of Science India
    Caroline RICHARD Université de Tours - Polytech Tours - Greman UMR CNRS 7347 France
    Maria Clelia RIGHI University of Bologna Italy
    Renaud RINALDI MATEIS Laboratory France
    Arnaud RISS TotalEnergies - Centre de recherche de Solaize France
    Loris ROCCHI Novelis Switzerland SA Switzerland
    Louis RODRIGUEZ Laboratoire Génie de Production France
    Nestor RODRIGUEZ Becton Dickinson and Co United States
    Javier RODRIGUEZ University of Birmingham United Kingdom
    Manel RODRIGUEZ RIPOLL AC2T research GmbH Austria
    Xavier ROIZARD University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté France
    Celia ROJO The University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Helena RONKAINEN VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Finland
    Carlos Alberto ROSA NETO Federal University of Espírito Santo Brazil
    Georgios-Nikitas ROSSOPOULOS National Technical University of Athens Greece
    Michael ROVÉRÉ Somfy France
    Vasily RUBLEV Imperial College London United Kingdom
    J. Sebastián RUDAS Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo Colombia
    André RUDNYTSKYJ TU Wien; AC2T research GmbH Austria
    Arnaud RUELLAN SKF Group Netherlands
    Raimundas RUKUIZA Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
    Mark RUTLAND KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
    Mehdi SABER Kyodo Yushi France
    Przemyslaw SADOWSKI Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, IPPT PAN Poland
    Vilayvone SAISNITH Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Hayate SAITO Hitachi, Ltd Japan
    Maruti Sai Dhiraj SAKHAMURI University of Southampton United Kingdom
    Valentin Rafael SALINAS RUIZ Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS Switzerland
    Ferdinando SALVATORE ENISE France
    Carlos SANCHEZ Southwest Research Institute United States
    Antoine SANNER Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Germany
    Marcionila SANTOS Polytechnique School of the University of São Paulo Brazil
    Flavio SARTI TotalEnergies France
    Shu SASAKI Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Shinya SASAKI Tokyo University of Science, Japan Japan
    Yuta SATO Kyodo Yushi France S.A.S France
    Takumi SATO Kyushu University Japan
    Kaisei SATO Graduate School of Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Aurélien SAULOT INSA Lyon France
    Daniele SAVIO Freudenberg Technology Innovation SE & Co. KG Germany
    Yoshinori SAWAE Kyushu University Japan
    Aslihan SAYILAN INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Mallikarjun SB Ducom Instruments Netherlands
    Cherlio SCANDIAN University Federal do Espírito Santo Brazil
    Michele SCARAGGI Italian Institute of Technology Italy
    Julien SCHEIBERT CNRS / Ecole Centrale de Lyon France
    Kordula SCHELLNHUBER Leibniz-Institute for New Materials Germany
    Marie-Louise SCHLICHTING Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Marcel SCHMÄDICKE Gamma Technologies GmbH Germany
    Ameneh SCHNEIDER Optimol Instrumtns Prüftechnik GmbH Germany
    Paul SCHWARZ Freudenberg Technology Innovation SE & Co. KG Germany
    Michael SCHÄFER Robert Bosch GmbH Germany
    Jorge SEABRA University of Porto Portugal
    César SEDANO Universidad de Guadalajara Mexico
    Gbey SÉHOUÉ JORIS EVELINE Institut National Polytechnique FHB Yamoussoukro Côte d'Ivoire
    Eric SEIGNEUR GGB France
    Julie SERASSET GGB France
    Steve SHAFFER Shaffer Tribology Consulting United States
    Arash SHAFIEE SABET Graz University of Technology Austria
    Raj SHAH Koehler Instrument Company, Inc. United States
    Weiqi SHEN Kyoto University Japan
    Ian SHERRINGTON Jost Institute for Tribotechnology, School of Engineering United Kingdom
    Pramod SHETTY University of Twente Netherlands
    Hironori SHINMORI Kyushu University Japan
    Hiroshi SHIOMI Japan Aerospace Exploraion Agency Japan
    Joseph SHORE Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Muhammad Shoaib SIDDIQUI University of ljubljana Slovenia
    François SIDOROFF LTDS France
    Christine SIDOROFF-COICAUD NTN France
    Andrea SILVA Sissa (International School for Advanced Studies) Italy
    Lionel SIMO KAMGA TU Kaiserslautern Germany
    Matthew SIMPSON Loughborough University United Kingdom
    Dimitrios SKALTSAS National Technical University of Athens Greece
    Margarita SKOTNIKOVA Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Russian Federation
    Olga SMERDOVA Institut Pprime, ISAE-ENSMA, CNRS France
    Jelle SNIEDER Delft University of Technology Netherlands
    Igor SOARES Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Brazil
    Daniel SOARES Bruker Nano Surfaces and Metrology Germany
    Chiara SOFFRITTI University of Ferrara Italy
    Mathieu SOLAR INSA Strasbourg / Institut Charles Sadron France
    Siavash SOLTANAHMADI University of Leeds - Food Sciences United Kingdom
    Minami SOMA KYODO YUSHI CO., LTD. Japan
    Kei SOMAYA Daido University Japan
    Julian SOMBERG Luleå university of technology Sweden
    Yiming SONG Department of Physics Switzerland
    Yuxi SONG Nagoya University Japan
    Dave SONNEVELD Delft University of Technology Netherlands
    Andres SOOM University at Buffalo United States
    John SOPRANA TotalEnergies Brazil
    Faltia Henriette SORO Institut National Polytechnique FHB Yamoussoukro Côte d'Ivoire
    Roberto SOUZA University of Sao Paulo Brazil
    Alexey SOVA Ecole Centrale de Lyon - ENISE France
    Christian SPADA Agilent Technologies Italy
    Dirk SPALTMANN Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) Germany
    Nicholas SPENCER ETH Zurich Switzerland
    Petr SPERKA Brno University of Technology Czechia
    Paul STAUDINGER Anton Paar Austria
    Franziska STIEF Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM Germany
    Yvo STIEMCKE Inst. of Machine Elements, Gears & Transmissions (MEGT) , University of Kaiserslautern Germany
    Tanja STILLER Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH Austria
    Jean-Gabriel STOCKER DuPont de Nemours Germany
    Solène STOENS University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté France
    Francesco STORACE Agilent Technologies Italy
    Michael STOTTROP Product Development, Ruhr-University Bochum Germany
    Pantcho STOYANOV Concordia University Canada
    Joichi SUGIMURA Kyushu University Japan
    Naoki SUGIYAMA Graduate School of Tokai University Japan
    Samion SYAHRULLAIL Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia
    Bartosz SZCZEFANOWICZ Leibniz-Institute for New Materials Germany
    Akira TADA Lubricants R&D Dept., Lubricants Company, ENEOS Corporation Japan
    Saeid TAGHIZADEH University of Sheffield United Kingdom
    Ayaka TAKAHASHI Teikyo university Japan
    Yokoyama TAKASHI Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan
    Nogi TAKASHI Kyodo Yushi Co., Ltd. Japan
    Sho TAKEDA Institute of fluid science, Tohoku University Japan
    Shunsuke TANJI Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Go TATSUMI ENEOS Corporation Japan
    Heiko TEBBEN CFD Consultants GmbH Germany
    Chetan TEKI BHEEMA VENKATA Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India India
    Stefan TEUFEL Safran Power USA United States
    Geraldine THEILER Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, BAM Germany
    Léo THIERCELIN Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux (LEM3), Metz France
    Trinity THOBEJANE University of Pretoria South Africa
    Zaihao TIAN University of Southampton United Kingdom
    Gabrielle TIPHENE Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Avinash TIWARI PGI-1, Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany
    Davide TONAZZI Università di Roma LA SAPIENZA Italy
    Alejandra TORRES Fundació Eurecat Spain
    Elena TORSKAYA Ishlinsky Institute for problems in mechanics of RAS Russian Federation
    Thomas TOURET ECAM Lyon France
    Michel TOURLONIAS Laboratory of Textile Physics and Mechanics / University of Haute Alsace France
    Mathis TRACHSEL maxon Switzerland
    Céline TREVISIOL CETIM France
    André TSCHIPTSCHIN University of São Paulo Brazil
    Petrica TURTOI University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Romania
    Haakon TVEDT NTNU Norway
    Wilfred TYSOE UW Milwaukee United States
    Hidetoshi UEDA Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Mao UEDA Shell Lubricants Japan K.K. Japan
    Christelle VACHER NTN-SNR France
    Hari VADIVEL Lulea University of Technology / SKF BV Netherlands
    Gerda VAITKUNAITE Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
    Stéphane VALETTE Ecole Centrale de Lyon France
    Gerben VAN DER MEER Delft University of Technology Netherlands
    Mark VAN DROGEN DAF Trucks Netherlands
    Harry VAN LEEUWEN Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands
    Bernie VAN LEEUWEN SKF Netherlands
    Ron VAN OSTAYEN Delft University of Technology Netherlands
    Balasubramaniam VENGUDUSAMY Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG Germany
    Philippe VERGNE INSA Lyon France
    François VERGNE NTN France
    Pien VERMEULEN BRB International BV Netherlands
    Andras VERNES AC2T research GmbH Austria
    Valérie VIDAL Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon - CNRS France
    Paulo Victor VIEIRA PINTO Federal University of Espírito Santo Brazil
    Montserrat VILASECA Fundació Eurecat Spain
    Fabrice VILLE INSA Lyon France
    Christophe VINCENT The Swatch Group Research & Development Ltd Switzerland
    Julien VINCENT LEM3 France
    Khosla VISHAL Rtec-Instruments United States
    Manuel VITE Instituto Politécnico Nacional Mexico
    Anthony VOITUS Institut P' - Université de Poitiers & EDF Lab Paris Saclay France
    Udo VOLZ Bruker Nano GmbH Germany
    Stephan VON GOELDEL Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering (MSE), RWTH Aachen University Germany
    Achilleas VORTSELAS European Space Tribology Laboratory (ESTL) / ESR Technology United Kingdom
    Martin VRBKA Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Czechia
    Kathryn WAHL US Naval Research Laboratory United States
    Benjamin WAINWRIGHT Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Efoe WALLACE Lamcos France
    Julie WALTHER UHA-LPMT France
    Anle WANG Saarland University Germany
    Ling WANG University of Southampton United Kingdom
    Jun WANG SKF RTD Netherlands
    Qingzheng WANG Arts et Métiers ParisTech France
    Jin WANG SISSA Italy
    Dongze WANG School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds United Kingdom
    James WASHAK University of Southampton United Kingdom
    Hitoshi WASHIZU University of Hyogo Japan
    Sho WATANABE Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Chunhui WEI INSA Lyon - LaMCoS China
    Erik WEIAND Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Volker WEIHNACHT Fraunhofer IWS Germany
    Michel WERNER Lehrstuhl für Maschinenelemente und Getriebetechnik, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Germany
    Marie WINGER INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Sven WIRSCHING Engineering Design, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg Germany
    Adrian WITTROCK TU Dortmund University, Department of Physics Germany
    Michal WODTKE Gdansk University of Technology Poland
    Lukasz WOJCIECHOWSKI Poznan University of Technology Poland
    Robert WOOD University of Southampton United Kingdom
    Mathias WOYDT MATRILUB Materials Tribology Lubrication Germany
    Yutian WU Institute for Production Engineering and Forming Machines (PtU) Technische Universität Darmstadt Germany
    Shifeng WU A. W. Chesterton Co United States
    Chen XIAO Advanced research center of nanolithography Netherlands
    Jun XIAO Rtec-Instruments Inc United States
    Ruibin XU INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Kazuyuki YAGI Kyushu University Japan
    Wataru YAGI Kyoto university Japan
    Malik YAHIAOUI Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Kenji YAMAMOTO ADEKA Corporation Japan
    Naoki YAMASHITA Kyoto University Japan
    Rose YAN SKF BV Netherlands
    Kian Kun YAP Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Seido YARIMITSU Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University Japan
    Vladislav YASTREBOV MINES Paris, PSL University, CNRS France
    Chang-Dong YEO Texas Tech University United States
    Eui-Sung YOON Korea Institute of Science and Technology Korea (Republic of)
    Min YU Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Xikai YU Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Yuji YUHARA Tokyo University of Science Japan
    Tokunaga YUICHIRO Eagle Industry Co., Ltd. Japan
    Amirhossein ZABIHI Tampere University Finland
    Hassan ZAHOUANI LTDS France
    Juan Guillermo ZAPATA TAMAYO Royal Institute of Technology - KTH Sweden
    Manuel ZELLHOFER AC2T research GmbH Austria
    Jörg ZERRER ELB Germany
    Ke ZHANG Kyushu University Japan
    Jie ZHANG Imperial College London United Kingdom
    Fan ZHANG INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Yan ZHAO University of Twente Netherlands
    Boris ZHMUD TRIBONEX AB Sweden
    Zhijian ZHOU INSA Lyon - LaMCoS France
    Yujiao ZHOU Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures France
    Valentina ZIN National Research Council of Italy Italy
    Omar ZOUINA Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
    Théo ZURCHER Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS France
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