WTC 2022 will include the following oral presentations:
     4 PLENARY TALKS: scheduled on Monday 11 July - Amphitheatre
     4 KEYNOTE TALKS: scheduled every day from Tuesday 12 to Friday 15 July at 8:30 - Auditorium Lumière
     40 INVITED TALKS: scheduled every day from Tuesday 12 to Friday 15 July at 14:00 - Session rooms
     185 PARALLEL SESSIONS: scheduled every day - Session rooms
    Browse the Provisional Program for details


     Each room is equipped with a lectern, screen, microphone and data projector.
     Presenters are required to bring their own laptop computer. Please make sure to have an HDMI connection available, or bring your own adaptor with HDMI plug.
    Also, make sure to think about the France conversion plugs for electricity supply.
     Speakers are expected to arrive at their session room 15 minutes before the session starts or at the beginning of a break to meet the chairman, set up and test their equipment and presentation. Technical support will be available to assist.
     Please make sure to sit near the front for easy access to the stage.
     The presentation language is English.
    The schedule for the sessions is very important and so please respect your allotted presentation time:
     Presentation time for Oral in parallel sessions: 15 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes for Q&A.
     Presentation time for Invited talks: 20-25 minutes presentation plus 5-10 minutes for Q&A.


    The poster sessions will take place in the Exhibition Hall of Lyon Convention Centre, along with the industrial exhibition and coffee breaks.
    Posters sessions are scheduled on:
     Tuesday 12 July 10:40 to 11:30
     Wednesday 13 July from 15:50 to 16:50
     Thursday 14 July from 10:40- 11:30


    There will be no scientific event organized during these 3 sessions.
    Presenters are therefore strongly encouraged to stand near their posters to answer questions from delegates.
     Posters can be hung on Monday 11 July from 12:30 to 18:00
     Posters must be removed on Thursday 14 July in the afternoon, no later than 18:00.
     The recommended format for the Poster is A0 vertical (841 mm width x 1189 mm height).
     All supplies for posters installation will be available in a dedicated stand in the exhibition hall (double-sided velcro adhesive).
     We require that you bring your printed poster. There is no possibility of printing on-site.

    There will be 4 prizes awarded to the best posters.
    To apply for poster prices please consult the Awards section.
  • Event Planner - registration contact
    26 avenue Jean Kuntzmann - 38330 Montbonnot, France
    Tel: +33 458 00 20 10
    Information desk: Monday to Friday
    From 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00
    Local Organisation
    LaMCoS - INSA
    LTDS - Ecole Centrale de Lyon
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.
    According to France's Personal Data Privacy Act in effect since June 2004, you may send a request in writing to INSIGHT OUTSIDE 26 avenue Jean Kuntzmann, 38330 Montbonnot / France, or by email webmaster@insight-outside.fr to access your file in order to consult, modify and/or delete your personal information.

    Logo and graphic design: SuperNova Design
    © Photos: Aderly, LTDS, Frédéric Prochasson, Only Lyon, Marie Perrin, Nicolas Robin, www.b-rob.com, SKF

    © 2005 - 2025 Insight Outside